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Investment Strategies

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Our approach has succeeded over decades by focusing as much on risk reduction as on return enhancement.



We invest in investment grade bonds of intermediate maturity, duration managed to maximize total return while avoiding unnecessary risks.

Active Tactical

Active Tactical

Seeking to take advantage of calendar-based macro-level events that create an alternating “wind in your sails / wind at your back” environment.



Using multiple strategies serves multiple goals, enhances diversification, and enables occasional beneficial re-balancing of the portfolio.

Our approach has succeeded over decades by focusing as much on risk reduction as on return enhancement.


Wealth of Nations®

Contrarian Value Equity

Historically, stocks have provided investors some of the best returns available, but participation involves considerable risks. Contrarian Value Equity seeks to mitigate risk of loss with each investment decision, a risk-averse approach to investing in the equity asset class.

Contrarian Value Equity

The best way to make money is to not lose it. Understanding and measuring investment risk can be difficult. As a result, there is a tendency to focus on return without sufficient consideration of risk. Robinson Value Management’s primary definition of risk is the potential for unrecoverable loss. We believe the optimal stock portfolio occurs when each investment decision strives to mitigate risk of loss.

Contrarian Value Equity

The Contrarian Value Equity strategy identifies industry leaders with clean balance sheets, selling at historically low valuations in relationship to their own operating histories. Positions are entered when these shares are down in price and out-of-favor on both Wall Street and in the popular press.

The result is a portfolio of stocks that will pay larger dividends and be more stable, yet still earn the equity risk premium. In practice, it should enable investors to make a larger allocation to the equity asset class, the one decision perhaps more certain to raise expected returns than any other decision an investor can make.

Giving up a little relative performance in a rising market in order to remain aggressively defensive during a declining market preserves capital at critical moments.

In brief, at Robinson Value Management, we do not attempt to predict the future. Rather, we endeavor to respond adeptly to profit opportunities created by unsustainable price changes that result from shortsighted valuations and excessive investor consensus

For more information on this strategy, please email or or call us at 210-490-2545.




For more information on this strategy, please email or
or call us at 210-490-2545.

Taxable Fixed Income

Neither a passive “buy and hold” nor excessively active management of fixed income portfolios will provide optimal results. We believe that the most effective fixed income portfolios are duration managed to maximize total return.

Taxable Fixed Income

Total return can be enhanced and risk levels mitigated in a fixed income portfolio by incremental responses to sizable changes in market yields and spreads. A laddered portfolio of high-quality taxable bonds and notes of intermediate maturity, duration-managed, and credit-risk-managed for total return delivers the best return for the amount of risk taken.

Taxable Fixed Income

In the fixed income strategy, we seek to maximize total return using high quality bonds by responding to changes in the interest rate structure, extending duration after a significant rise in rates and shortening duration after rates decline. We also take some added credit risk after credit spreads widen and reduce credit risk somewhat after credit spreads narrow.

For more information on this strategy, please email or or call us at 210-490-2545.

Market Opportunity

Investing in a post-crash environment means having to make the best of a difficult global market environment. Risk and volatility persist despite, and at times because of, governments’ efforts to manage the economy, both in the US and abroad. Investors recognize they are living through much investment pain, in the form of high volatility, with little gain in investment returns to show for it. We created the Market Opportunity strategy to address these issues.

Market Opportunity

We believe that macro-economic and behavioral factors can overwhelm fundamentals-only based equity investing, with emotions and shifts in expectations driving large price movements that seem to depart from common sense and company fundamentals. To this end, the Market Opportunity strategy was designed not as a core holding,  but to be set along-side an investor’s equity portfolio to actively manage exposure to systemic risk.

Market Opportunity

We manage a two part portfolio allocated 70%/30% between one basket of long/short US equity market exposure and another to instruments such as long duration, high quality fixed income, and gold/gold mining Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Our investing is index-based and not security-specific based.

US stock market positions taken may range from 140% net long to 40% net short. To achieve these high and low positions within our 70% portfolio allocation we employ ETFs, buying a 2x-long position, or a 1x-short position.

The 30% portion allocated to instruments such as long duration, high quality fixed income and/or gold/gold mining stocks, typically through ETFs, is made to add some incremental return to the total portfolio while mitigating some of the downside risk of US stock market exposure.

Within each portion, in some market conditions, we may go to cash with a significant part of the portfolio.

For more information on this strategy, please email or or call us at 210-490-2545.

Contrarian Value Balanced

The Contrarian Value Balanced Strategy is for clients who desire both income and long-term growth of principal. The balanced portfolio combines our equity approach with our more stable, income producing bond portfolio in proportions determined by client needs and preferences.

Contrarian Value Balanced

While historically stocks provide the best long-term growth opportunity, the path to that return is sometimes bumpy. For those investors with a shorter time horizon, income requirements, or significant risk aversion, a portion in bonds can smooth the journey.

Contrarian Value Balanced

A blended portfolio of stocks and bonds offers significantly increased opportunities for risk reduction and return enhancement through increased diversification, as well as timely responses to changes in asset class pricing.

The Contrarian Value Balanced Strategy provides exposure to high quality domestic stocks and bonds, actively seeking to mitigate risk through asset allocation, aggressively defensive equity selection, as well as duration and credit quality management in the bond portfolio.

The equity portion identifies industry leaders with clean balance sheets, selling at historically low valuations in relationship to their own operating histories. Positions are entered when these shares are down in price and out-of-favor on both Wall Street and in the popular press.

The fixed income portion uses bonds of various levels of investment grade credit quality, extending average maturity after rates rise and shortening average maturity after rates decline, while also adding credit risk after credit spreads widen and reducing credit risk somewhat after credit spreads narrow. These high-quality bonds seek to provide a solid total return with a somewhat mitigated risk profile.

As a blended approach, allocations are tailored to suit client needs. The Contrarian Value Balanced strategy seeks to provide capital appreciation over a full market cycle and incremental income over all time periods.

For more information on this strategy, please email or or call us at 210-490-2545.

Wealth of Nations®

Today’s capital markets face the dual challenges of a slow growth environment and an economy increasingly managed by the government. Investors need a solution that blends the wealth creation of stocks with the wealth preservation of systemic risk management designed to exploit market volatility. The Wealth of Nations® strategy maintains a 70/30 blend of our lower volatility Contrarian Value Equity strategy and our tactical Market Opportunity strategy.

Wealth of Nations®

Over the last 100 years, when given a time period of more than 15 years the best performing asset class has always been stocks. While investors can expect slightly greater returns from small cap and international stocks, the increase in risk from investing in those areas can be extreme. Many who invest in these volatile holdings end up reducing or exiting their exposure to equities, a decision that is among the most certain to reduce expected long-term returns.

Wealth of Nations®

Wealth of Nations® invests 70% of its portfolio in Robinson Value Management’s Contrarian Value Equity strategy which actively identifies industry leaders with clean balance sheets, selling at historically low valuations in relationship to their own operating histories, and out-of-favor on both Wall Street and in the popular press. In general, these stocks pay larger dividends, are less volatile, yet are expected to earn the equity risk premium.

The remaining 30% of the portfolio is invested in Robinson Value Management’s Market Opportunity strategy, an active tactical asset allocation strategy that uses exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to raise and lower exposure to the S&P 500 Index, long duration, high quality fixed income and gold mining stocks. Depending on market conditions, allocations to these asset classes are used for either capital protection or incremental return generation.

The resulting portfolio seeks to provide the best of both approaches: lower volatility stocks for the long-run and systemic risk management for those times when the only thing growing is the government.

For more information on this strategy, please email or or call us at 210-490-2545.

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"Lost dollars are simply harder to replace than gained dollars are to lose."

Michael Burry

Press ReleaseRobinson Value Management Awarded Top Guns Distinction by Informa Financial Intelligence
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